Brian D. Cohen

The Fool's Journey

2008 Exhibit Dates
Mar 30 To Apr 25

Printmaker Brian D. Cohen presents his new work The Fool's Journey, a set of 23 etchings based on the traditional tarot deck. Each card presents an archetype of human experience illuminated through a parallel, symbolic element or quality of the physical world. The composition of each etching is based on a geometric framework derived from study of the history of art and sacred geometry. Cohen is a printmaker and founder of Bridge Press, a publisher of artist's books, broadsides, and etchings in Vermont. Bridge Press was established to further the association and integration of visual image, original text, and book structure. Cohen earned his B.A. from Haverford College and his M.F.A. from the University of Washington.

Water Etching, 2' x 9', 2005-07