Charles Fazzino

Collective Pop

2014 Exhibit Dates
Jul 10 To Aug 24

Nationally-celebrated pop artist Charles Fazzino, a graduate of the School of Visual Arts in New York City, is best known for his use of bright colors, attention to detail and a 3-D layering technique that brings his images to life. Over the past 30 years, Fazzino has exhibited his work in hundreds of museums and galleries in more than 20 different countries. He is often referred to as a pop-culture historian, as his work captures the best parts of contemporary life.

This exhibit will feature Fazzino's original artwork alongside artwork created by students in Lycoming and Sullivan Counties. Fazzino worked with fifth grade students during the creation of the official artwork for the 75th Anniversary of Little League�, held a multi-media presentation for the students at the Community Arts Center, and worked with their art teachers as they developed and completed independent projects with the students. Additionally, a master class and art contest were held for high school art students; the projects were initiated and supported by the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania.

Bright Lights, Big City, Broadway, n/d, 31" x 39"